Reopening guidelines
1 . Competitions will resume on the 25th June 2020.
2. Play is initially restricted to members only.
3. There is no need to complete the signing in book.
4. The club house will initially remain closed so if you have clubs in there please access it only to collect them and take them home.
5. Before play please wash your hands. As the clubhouse will be closed please do this before you leave home.
6. Hand sanitiser will be made available outside the club, please use this before playing. It is fairly watery so please use carefully.
7. 4 people can only play at the same time if they are from a maximum of 3 households. To avoid congestion around a tee box please do not approach if someone is already on it.
8. Social distancing to be maintained at all times whilst on the course and no customary shaking of hands is allowed.
9. Please leave the flag in and do not touch it. Retrieve your ball with your gloved hand from the hole. Inserts have been put in each hole so the ball does not fall to the bottom. Once your ball touches the material it is classed as being in the hole. With friendly play consider more gimmees and not putting out from short distances.
10. Guidance remains that you can travel locally to play.